I was unfortunate to have my heating system of F150 not working, they fixed it and right after that there was leakage in my radiator, they changed lower hose, then within a week there was leakage from upper hose. Fixed all up and probably the same day, check engine sign flashed. they checke it and fixed it saying that there was issue with plugs. I came home and now my truck won't start, keeps cranking for at least 6-7 times before it starts. This will cost me $500. Can this be just co-incident?
When I made the initial appointment for a recall . I wasn't told that my gas tank should be not full .. The young women that checked me in was awesome. My only issue was when they did the recall they moved my muffler and unfortunately my edge sounded like a German tank . Estimate to get fix 2000.00 . Had to get that fix cost me additional 517.00 on my day off . I thought it was in unfair that I had to pay for it .. Ford should have done it or paid half cause they moved it and it broke off