From a tiny twinge to a blowtorch-like sensation behind the breastbone, heartburn in all its intensities affects millions of Canadians every day. Nearly complete relief is possible with a combination of lifestyle changes and the right medications.
November 13, 2015
From a tiny twinge to a blowtorch-like sensation behind the breastbone, heartburn in all its intensities affects millions of Canadians every day. Nearly complete relief is possible with a combination of lifestyle changes and the right medications.
Doctors have found that lifestyle changes alone can reduce or eliminate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms in about half of those who live with them. So once you get the pain and burning under control, set your sights on changing the habits that may have caused the problem in the first place. Some things you can do include:
If you never ate, you'd never have heartburn. That’s not possible, so it’s worth the effort to know how foods affect you: one study found that an altered diet led to improvement in almost half of people with GERD. If you couple that with the other lifestyle changes mentioned below, your chances of beating GERD are excellent. Try the following:
Heartburn is manageable. Keep this guide in mind and reduce your heartburn with simple lifestyle changes.
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