How to apply eyeshadow

November 16, 2014

If you just can't get the hang of eyeshadow, keep reading for the best tips on how to apply it.

How to apply eyeshadow

Every season brings new trends in eyeshadow. There are so many colours, so many different brushes. It’s common to wear more than one colour to create various effects, such as de-emphasizing certain areas or emphasizing others.

A series of makeup brushes can help refine your application, though just one brush will suffice for a basic look. When working with more than one colour, wipe brush gently with a dry tissue between colours.

The different eyelid zones

The eyelid is made up of three main areas – the eyelid, the crease or fold and the upper lid, which runs from the crease to just below the brow bone. The inside corner is the one closest to your nose.

A common application uses three colours from the same family in light, medium and dark shades. The lighter shade is applied to the inside corners and a darker colour is used on the outside corners of the eye to create depth and dimension.

Basic eyeshadow application tips:

  • Use light colours to emphasize shallow areas
  • Use dark colours to minimize fuller, more prominent areas
  • It is always easier to add more colour than it is to remove it after applying
  • Always tap extra powder off the end of a brush, don’t blow on it
  • When using more than one colour, stay within the same colour palette
  • Keep daytime shadow lighter and more neutral than nighttime colours

Prep the eyes

If you’re wearing a full face of makeup, apply your eye makeup first. This way, you can remove any eyeshadow that may have flaked onto the skin beneath the eyes without taking off freshly applied makeup. Prep the eye first with a primer or concealer to even out skin tone and provide a base.

Step 1

Dab your brush into a neutral or medium shade and then tap off the excess powder. Apply shadow across the entire eyelid. Sweep the colour from left to right, from your lash line up to the crease.

Step 2

Dab your shadow brush into a colour lighter than your medium or neutral shade. Apply to the small area on the inside corner of the eyelid. This will give the eyes an effect of appearing more awake.

Step 3

Dip your brush into a darker shade and then tap off excess. Apply the shadow along the outer corner of your eyelid, from the lash line to just above the crease. You’re trying to create contour.

Step 4

Blend! You don’t want to see distinct lines between the three colours. Use a small piece of cotton ball to blend if you don’t have a separate eyeshadow brush. Add more colour as needed.

Eyeshadow can create dramatic effects for day and night. The more experienced and comfortable you become learning how to apply eyeshadow, the more you will be willing to experiment with different looks.

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