Is your kitchenware starting to lose its original lustre? Here are some quick and easy tips for getting these items back to their original glory.
June 30, 2015
Is your kitchenware starting to lose its original lustre? Here are some quick and easy tips for getting these items back to their original glory.
2. If you think that vinegar and a paper towel are all you need to rub spots off stainless steel knives, forks and spoons, guess again! The spots will come clean only if you dip the vinegar-soaked paper towel into a saucer of baking soda. After rubbing off the spots, wash the utensils as you usually do and dry them thoroughly right away.
3. In time, bone-handled knives begin to yellow. Unless you love the antiqued look, wrap a yellowed handle in a piece of flannel moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Let it sit for a day or so, then unwrap. Rinse and dry the knife and the handle will be good as new.
4. To keep your wooden spoons and salad sets looking like new, wash and dry them and then rub them down with wax paper. The thin coating of wax will help keep wood from drying out.
5. Putting your wooden cutting board in the dishwasher is a no-no, as is letting it soak in your sink. That said, keep it clean and you'll avoid bacterial mishaps and the not-so-pleasant illnesses that are related to them. To clean your wooden cutting board, scrub it well with a lightly abrasive cleansing powder and a nylon scrubbing pad, and wipe it down with hot, soapy water. Rinse, dry it well, and be safe.
These five easy tips will help you keep your kitchenware sparkling and looking new for years to come.
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