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Business listings in Campus De L'Udem A Longueuil
YP Canada provides complete business directory listings for in and about the Campus De L'Udem A Longueuil, Quebec region. With the most comprehensive index of business types found in Canada, Yellow Pages is your first choice for search. If your hometown is Campus De L'Udem A Longueuil, find new independently reviewed companies by your home, with .
Famous for its poutine and smoked meat, Montreal also boasts a number of standout bánh mì joints. Bánh mì literally translates to "all kinds of bread," though it has come to mean simply a Vietnamese sandwich. This alternative to fast food offers a sensory experience that accesses all the areas of the palate – salty, sweet, tangy and spicy. [Image credit:]
There are a number of absolute truths in this world. One is that the earth is round, and another is that Montrealers love Portuguese chicken. This guide won't tell you all about the roundness of the earth, but it will reveal the flavourful and delicious options for marinated grilled Portuguese chicken in Montreal. [Image credit:]
Montreal is known for its musical scene, but a musical landscape is only as strong as its independent record stores. Without these places, independent artists would get next to no exposure. Luckily, Montreal matches its excellent number of musicians with an equally excellent series of record stores. So, dive deep and take a look at the city's premier record stores. [Image credit:]