$20-$40 Sliding scale Community Acupuncture Clinic. Services are provided in a group treatment room. To keep costs low for the patient. Community Acupuncture is a growing world wide movement to enable patients to receive effective Acupuncture without cost being a barrier. You decide what you can afford on any given visit. Acupuncture works best if received consistently, sometimes daily, bi-weekly to weekly to monthly maintenance, Depending on the conditions being treated and how acute or chronic it is. Patients will discuss their concern alone with their therapist, then enter the quiet group healing room to relax in a reclining chairs with their pants and sleeves rolled up to receive treatment. The client then is allowed to rest, and recharge and let the healing happen. . All therapies are provided by a Registered Nurse with comprehensive Acupuncture education and 15 years of practice. and continuing education. Private sessions also availble.more...See more text